Hydration Drone

We were challenged to improve users' experience at water coolers.


We rapidly dove deep into all the little things that bug people about POU water coolers and we found things that were obvious, odd, real, and surprisingly unknown to our client.  We clustered a wide variety of pain-points into 6 categories we’d address as:

  • Access
  • Community
  • Health
  • Hygiene
  • Information
  • Service

JDID then set about ideating around multiple conceptual solutions to them all, without limits.  We whiteboarded and brainstormed, we got wacky and then reeled it in to make presentable sense of it all.  Our UX improvement concepts ranged from straight forward POU water cooler configurational options to bottled water distribution and delivery tools to social confluences and wellness apps.

One fun concept was dubbed the Hydration Drone, an autonomous roving POU water cooler that would diligently and smartly visit every corner of a facility offering up chilled water, or just a friendly message.

“Wow, this is really awesome work.”
Lou Busick, VP Engineering